Here's a scenario for you.
Our president, arrives at Beijing, the Olympics get rolling. A couple of US Athletes protest and get beat upon by the Chinese. Bush makes an announcement, condemning the Chinese and gets arrested. (After a few tense moments, the Secret Service are told by the Commander in Chief to stand down.
Dick Cheney is in charge. He in a disheveled manner, strides into the oval office with his trusty shotgun. "I'm in charge now!".
Let's prepare to nuke the Olympics. Nobody arrests the President! Cheney does not seam to care that the same strike would kill the President.
Meanwhile, the US Athletes (primarily the Basketball team, the gymnastic team, the cyclist and the synchronized swimmers) unite, to form a commando team to free the President and prevent nuclear Armageddon.
Meanwhile Condi has to distract Cheney enough to delay the attack...
More to come.
I sure hope that Bush gets arrested. He is a war criminal and deserves what he gets.
You right wingers and your war agenda. You won't be happy until we all die from war, and the planet overheats because of your SUVs.
Yes, I want to die like the dinosaur.
Well, you fascists are driving the planet to destruction. The world may be better without humans so keep going.
Thank you Anonymous,
Please keep commenting. I appreciate the exchange of ideas.
BTW, nothing is permanent.
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