"'all governments are liars and murderers" so said Bill Hicks,
Anyway, he is right, ALL Governments, lie, cheat, steal, and America is the top dog, the dog that eats it's own, spits out the bones and gets the others to chear about it.
There has never been a GOOD American Government, there never will be.
I do not mean there are not good men & women in the government, but the whole thing is a cancer. Never was it good, never was it right. It was founded on ideals, but could never live up to them.
Just like marriage, it starts out full of excitement, full of promise and sexually charged, only to end either in divorce or quite denial that you would like to be fucking another pussy or cock...
Obama is no different, no bigger a villain, the Bush/Cheney, Lincoln / Hamlin Kennedy / Johnson.
They all lied, and killed our citizens and foreign citizens.
Obama is continuing to attach sovereign nations (Pakistan) on the mythical war on an idea.
War's on ideas all fail.
War on Drugs (did it help?) It failed.
War on Terror it already has failed!
How about a war on wars? This may work.
The America I fell in love with is gone, actually it never existed, just like falling in love with a person.
It is the over estimation of a sex object. Only I did not fuck America, America fucked my ideas.
My ideal America only exists in my head, a nation of fairness, of freedom, of justice and equal opportunity. A nation interested in being for the people, governed by the people. I do not believe there is anyone in Government that is like me, or the people I know.
Obama never worked a roll up your sleeves job. Bush did not, few of our presidents did. Few politicians did.
Being a Lawyer does not count in my book. Lawyers are not real people in my book. they get in the way of justice by using the Law. The two things are not the same, they are meant to be close, but law and justice is seldom achieving the same ends.
When I retire, I will go far from here, I will continue to love America, and wish her the best, but I will do so from afar...
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